TOP executives may need to rethink their contractual provisions as a result of the new Labour Relations Act, which has removed their ability to have unfair dismissal claims or denied contractual benefit disputes heard by the WA Industrial Commission.
THE 50:50 catering rule may seem like a good option for event managers and organisers on tight budgets, but speak to some of Perth’s caterers and they’ll tell you there are better ways to bring catering costs down.
WHILE many employers are concerned about the direction WA’s industrial relations system has taken, several organisations have taken steps to minimise the harm it could cause their members.
A UNION for small business owners is expected to come to fruition next week, providing an industrial avenue for the sector under the State’s new labour relations regime.
HUMAN Resources Week begins on Monday August 19. The Australian Human Resource Institute will host its WA State Conference during the week, starting with a networking dinner on Friday August 23.
IT was touted as a centrepiece of tourism for the State, a link between the city and the river crowned by an iconic structure designed to draw travellers by the thousand.
THE rising overheads and labour costs of traditional restaurant operations have prompted some of the city’s best culinary talents to make the move into catering.
THE Restaurant and Catering Industry Association has criticised moves by the WA branch of the Australian Hotels Association to reactivate its restaurant division.
THE fluid work marketplace and increasing job flexibility mean the post-WWII job-for-life mentality has gone. In fact, statistics suggest we will change career an average of eight times during our working lives.
PERTH businessman Peter Clements has embarked on a project that could, if adopted by the hospitality industry, revolutionise the way beer is sold and marketed to consumers across the world.
PERTH isn’t ready for a 100-seat vegetarian restaurant according to the former owner of Rabbit Moon, Jenny Holton, who sold the concern last month after failing to reach her business targets.
WA-BASED Management Search Australasia, formerly Management Recruiters Australia, has experienced phenomenal growth in the cutthroat recruitment market and will open a new office in Sydney before the end of the financial year.
PERTH businessman Peter Clements has embarked on a project that could, if adopted by the hospitality industry, revolutionise the way beer is sold and marketed to consumers across the world.
THE battle of the business schools is about to get tougher with both Murdoch University and the University of Western Australia making a dedicated effort to raise the profile of their respective business schools.
THERE are many more ingredients that go into making a great chef than just an ability to turn it on in the kitchen. A deep appreciation of a variety of produce and the ability to move with, or ahead of, new food trends are just two.
THE abundance of women, broader employment choices of younger people and the emergence of a service-orientated society are driving the demand for part-time work.