THE resource sector has been exposed to higher levels of fraud involving the theft of funds and physical assets due to increased jobs uncertainty, according to KPMG.
FOLLOWING Federal Resources Minister Martin Ferguson's endorsement of Australian uranium export trade with China, the Chamber of Minerals and Energy believes working with communities on providing soft infrastructure will be the key challenge facing the st
THE provision of non-landfill or 'alternative' waste management is a growth business in Western Australia, as population centres expand and infrastructure reaches capacity.
THE Chamber of Minerals and Energy says government and industry should use the current slowdown to plan for Western Australia's development once the economy returns to full strength.
GOLD is seen as an attractive investment due to its strong performance in a down turning economy, but one senior economist has warned the good times will not last forever.
Mines Minister Norman Moore has delivered an assurance Western Australia will retain control of local mining operations despite increased foreign investment in Australian mining companies.
Perth's 96.FM was the big winner in the latest ratings survey, recording a ratings rise of 1.3 percentage points to 10.4 per cent for its breakfast show with Gary, Fitzi and Aleysha, and an overall jump of 0.8 percentage points.
Local Government Minister John Castrilli has announced $10,000 financial packages for local councils that agree to prepare submissions for voluntary amalgamation by the August deadline.
Government and industry have endorsed the Environmental Protection Authority's proposal to adopt a new 'risk based' approach for project assessment, unveiled in a report today.
The seven Filipino 457 workers who were laid off from Premier Building Solutions have lost their bid to stay in Australia and are likely to be deported after April 9.
Australia's major forestry companies are disappointed they have not negotiated an increase for the benchmark price of exported Tasmanian bluegum woodchip with Japan.
Hannans Reward director Terry Grammer has resigned following outraged calls yesterday by chairman Richard Scallan that he step down after accepting Fox Resources' takeover offer.
Administrators for collapsed Monarch Gold Mining have closed the due diligence period for the sale of the company's remaining assets, including the Davyhurst mine and exploration tenements.
AUSTRALIAN women seem to be doing their bit to reinforce traditional stereotypes of financial irresponsibility, according to a global survey of women's financial independence.
BHP Billiton has accepted calls for safety standards at its iron ore operations in the Pilbara to be improved following the death of a John Holland construction contractor at its site in Newman.
Peak gas industry groups have urged government backing for the liquefied natural gas (LNG) industry to achieve its economic and environmental potential.
Former Woodside Petroleum executive Erica Smyth will take over the chairmanship of uranium developer Toro Energy, after the resignation of founding chairman Dr Ian Gould.
The $1.8 million Karara iron ore project has joined with Central West TAFE in Geraldton to launch a partnership for education, vocational training and skills development to bring new employment opportunities to the region.
Westpac has pipped BankWest as the bank having the most satisfied customers in Western Australia, a survey by financial ratings service Canstar Cannex has found.
Rio Tinto iron ore chief Sam Walsh says the miner is focused on securing regulatory approval for its $US19.5 billion Chinalco deal while a prominent analyst has tipped iron ore prices to fall 50 per cent.
IN his quest to create a unique product, Darlington Estate winemaker Menno Bakkers' philosophy makes good business sense - work with the characteristics of the region.
HAVING led Perth marketing group Core Marketing for a number of years, it seems somewhat ironic that Yvonne Renshaw doesn't signpost her new venture, Core Luxury Retreat, in Mundaring.
PEAK industry figures have cautiously welcomed state and federal government initiatives to soften the impact of the economic downturn on business, including the announcement of cuts to skilled migration.
CONSTRUCTION, hospitality and technical industries in the Mid West will get a boost when building of the Australian Square Kilometre Array Project telescope begins in June.