South Perth-based biofuels player Australian Renewable Fuels Ltd has reached sales targets for the December quarter, bringing it in line with the requrements needed to receive $5.4 million from the Federal government.
Perth-based uranium company OmegaCorp Ltd has revealed the details of its plans to spin off its subsidiary Mavuzi Resources Ltd, in an $8.8 million initial public offer ahead of the OmegaCorp takeover by Canada's Denison Mines Corp.
Perth-based metals explorer Prairie Downs Ltd will raise $2.5 million through a placement to fund exploration of the company's zinc project, as well as the scoping study now underway.
Shares in West Perth-based gold and copper explorer Avoca Resources Ltd rose this morning after UK-based Pala Investments Holdings Ltd acquired the 13.3 per cent stake in the company held by Gold Fields Ltd.
An inaugural electronic entertainment expo to be held in Perth in March-April this year is expected to attract many interstate and overseas delegates and inject more than $4.6 million into the WA economy.
Heavy freight trucks will be banned from Leach Highway, between Albany Highway and Kwinana Freeway, from October 1 2007, Planning and Infrastructure Minister Alannah MacTiernan announced today.
South Perth-based energy company Aviva Corporation Ltd has further postponed the construction of its coal-fired midwest powerstation, following mechanical failures at Australian Coal Industries Research Laboratories Ltd.
South African gold company Harmony Gold Operations Ltd subsidiary Mt Magnet Gold NL will acquire the gold tenements of the Dalgaranga joint venture, between AXG Mining Ltd and Equigold NL, for an estimated $1.6 million.
West Perth diamond developer and producer Dwyka Diamonds Ltd will diverisfy into nickel with the acquisition of a nickel project in Burundi for around $6.4 million, to be funded through a share purchase plan and placement.
South Perth-based gold explorer NGM Resources Ltd will raise $1.6 million through a placement and move into the burgeoning uranium market though an acquisition, the company announced today.
Forty-five per cent of the metropolitan area is now serviced by underground power, 16 years after the policy was first enacted, according to Energy Minster Francis Logan.
Shares in iron ore minnows Cazaly Resources Ltd and Echelon Resources Ltd, which surged suddenly yesterday, fell after the release of a note on their legal progress.
Development of the Australian Technical College - Pilbara, designed to address Western Australia's skills shortage, came closer to fruition today with the signing of a $23.5 million contract for its establishment.
Alinta Ltd has made more interim management decisions in the wake of the managment buy-out which has occupied its senior executive ranks and former chairman John Poynton.
West Perth-based platinum company Nkwe Platinum Ltd will go ahead with plans to acquire a 74 per cent interest in Genorah Resources Ltd's Garatouw platinum project, after declaring the bid unconditional today.
Perth-based mineral explorer Indo Mines Ltd has appointed former Superpit mining manager Philip Welten as managing director, the company announced today.
The opportunity for resource companies and prospectors to revert applications for mining leases to prospecting or exploration licences will close on February 9.
Base metals miner Vulcan Resources Ltd has signed an agreement with Helsinki-based talc miner Mondo Minerals OY to mine and explore on its tenements for a 1 euro per tonne royalty.
Shares in West Perth oil and gas exploration company Otto Energy Ltd closed up 1.5c to 18.5c after moving a rig to a new gas discovery well for flow testing.
The former manager of the meat program within the Department of Agriculture and Food, Renata Paliskis-Bessell, had been appointed chief executive of the Western Australian Meat Industy Authority, winning the support of the WAFarmers Meat Council.
Bunnings Property Management Ltd will acquire three office and warehouse properties from fellow Wesfarmers subsidiary J Blackwood and Son Ltd on a sale and leaseback basis, for $19.3 million, the company announced today.
Small Business Minister Margaret Quirk has today issued an urgent warning, alerting small business operators to be aware of fraudsters claiming to represent the State Government.
Axiom Properties Ltd has announced two projects, including a child care centre in Brighton, as part of a strategic alliance with its major shareholder, Pivot Group.
Perth-based seafood company Australis Aquaculture Ltd has raised $1.5 million through a placement of 3 million shares at 50 cents each, the company announced today.
West Perth uranium company Uran Ltd has announced plans to spin off its nickel exploration assets into a separate company, to enhance its focus on eastern european uranium projects.
West Perth-based uranium company WildHorse Energy Ltd has added to its Hungarian asset portfolio, being granted a prospecting licence for some 177 sqkm of land close to the company's existing projects.
Subiaco-based construction firm DORIC has formed an alliance with Canning Bridge-based management consultancy Projenco to significantly expand its engineering construction division.
Northbridge-based Coziron Resources Ltd has signed an agreement with Perth's Grange Resources Ltd, which could see Coziron pocket $1 million after in exchange for a 50 per cent share holding of some potential coal tenements.
The market capitalisation of Western Australian listed companies in the Deloitte WA Index jumped by $8.19 billion to $125 billion, an increase of 7 per cent, from November to December 2006.