Catie started her journalism career at Business News before broadening her experience with a stint as the commercial property editor for The West Australian. During this period she also covered the retail, technology and healthcare sectors, before shifting into the role of fashion editor for two years. Catie then took a break from reporting to have a family, and returned as a regular contributor to Business News in early 2016.
AFTER a decade in Dubai, Woods Bagot architect Mark Mitcheson-Low has moved back to Perth with big ambitions for the city he sees as the regional growth hub of Australia.
THE Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia is urging the resource sector’s army of fly-in, fly-out workers to accurately complete their census forms this Tuesday to ensure the state’s
ENTREPRENEUR Michael Henderson’s gaze has always been trained north, to our populous near neighbour and a region that also sits in a one of the natural disaster-prone parts of the world.
THE decision by Retravision (WA) to expand into solar energy systems earlier this year harnessed the goodwill developed by its 50-year-old brand to sell an increasingly popular green technology.
ADVERTISING agency 303 couldn’t keep up with coverage its Enjoy the Ride campaign attracted in social media in the days following its launch on behalf of the Office of Road Safety.
Branding professionals are still grappling with the after effects of the GFC as well as increased competition from across the communications sector, but opportunities exist for creative thinkers.
PERTH’S ever-shrinking pool of big brands hasn’t held back the renewal of the advertising industry, with seven of the top 20 agencies 10 years old or younger, according to the data compiled for the
Perth’s leasing market is the tightest in Australia, and with talk of a major new office tower, property analysts are warning tenants need to move now to take advantage of the city’s next major construction cycle.
LISTED property developer Peet expects to expand its land holdings by as much as 30 per cent over the next five years after partnering with the Future Fund to buy and develop large, residential land holdings in Australia.
TOUGH times may be a good measure of a business, but few senior managers would admit to having enjoyed the challenge of the GFC. One of those few is Penelope Williamson, who runs the American Chamber of Commerce in Australia’s Perth office.
THE sale of two significant suburban shopping centres in Perth will test investor enthusiasm for the state government’s new retail property planning policy.
The Barnett government’s push to amalgamate Perth’s four redevelopment authorities into a single Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority (MRA) could fast track the development around the city’s key transport links.
THE Barnett government’s blueprint to transform Perth into a vibrant, contemporary city could prove to be the saviour of the local architecture sector, but the true potential of these once-in-a-generation projects reaches far beyond their financial impact
Oakajee Port and Rail’s annual showcase of indigenous artworks from the Mid West is building a collective brand for artists in the region as well as opening up economic opportunities.
After just three months in the top job, Metropolitan Cemeteries Board chief executive Peter Deague is quietly confident the board will secure land from the state government to develop at least three new cemeteries in the metropolitan area to meet demand f
Less than 12 months after Meerkats snatched the IKEA account from Marketforce, the prized advertising client has switched back to its former agency, 303.
A BID by the Barnett government to redress the age-old power imbalance between retail tenants and their landlords may force shopping centre owners to reveal the intricate details of their lease agreements.
INVESTORS have been on a spending spree in Perth’s city office market in 2011, buying more than $180 million worth of properties in the first few months of the year.
PERTH property developers are building their exposure to the Melbourne market in a bid to offset an anaemic local market and capitalise on the strong population forecasts for the Victorian capital.
HOTEL heavyweight Australian Leisure & Hospitality Group, Coles and Sandalford Wines owner Peter Prendiville are among the big names understood to be circling the assets of Compass Hotel Group.
WESTERN Australia’s major mining centres are united in their efforts to ensure the 2011 census accurately records their growing populations and the elusive fly-in, fly-out population.
AUSTRALIA’S listed property sector was savaged by the global financial crisis but Perth-based Aspen Group has battled more than punitive market conditions in the past year.
PERTH’S patchwork economy pulled the shutters down on a further two House kitchenware stores this week, after the Carousel and Armadale franchises went into administration.