SMALL to medium-sized enterprises are revealing a resilient attitude and determination in the face of economic uncertainty, with many employing strategies to ensure they remain competitive for the eve
With poor health practices costing business more than $7 billion, Western Australian employers are being urged to consider the health of employees, with the launch of the Healthy Active Workplace policy today.
West Perth-based Barra Resources has raised $3.5 million through an oversubscribed placement to advance drilling on its key Mt Thirsty nickel and Phillips Find gold projects in Western Australia.
Gillard delays pain on penalties; Crown jewels turn to paste; PM revamps stimulus package; Virgin Blue posts $160m loss; Mining services groups surprise on the upside
Sage chases backing for $200m Lady Annie float; Australia Post in $700m shake-up; Media moguls face off; PM's cash cure fails to lure nurses; Long haul for Asciano with gloomy outlook
MANY of the misconceptions about e-commerce technology and the potential benefits to the corporate world have been re-evaluated since the crash of 2000.
IF deteriorating income streams and skyrocketing costs weren't enough, charities are now bracing for a tougher year ahead with an expected surge in demand for services through 2010.
Small business hit as states ignore federal pay freeze; 'Budget curb' on crisis chopper; Labor rebuffs business over tougher consumer laws; Location, location, location, is Woolies' hardware quest; Suncorp freezes senior salaries, cuts bonus pool
Resources tax plan row flares; IR culture holding back productivity - Gillard; Conflict resolved - ASX powers shifted to ASIC; Wiluna mine production woes put more pressure on Apex; Galaxy tees up Great to bankroll lithium project
Skills shortage 'to get worse'; Investors upbeat on Coles, but eye detail; Merger to fast-track mine; ASIC raises alarm over new CFD trade risks; Bad blood to hurt tourism
Wesfarmers flayed despite big profit; Rio resists playing the Hu card; Future Fund stake in Telstra on the block; Union at war over penalties; Super funds face $2bn cut in fees
Garrett last Gorgon bar; Qantas to jettison $1.5bn in costs; State tax in reform mix, says Henry; Write-downs cruel Iluka result as zircon sales fall; Major store deals 'real barrier to competition'